Sym-Bionic Wiki
Transcript / Escape To Sherman High

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Lance investigates the surrounding area and see Ilana exit the ship


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Runs to Ilana and throws his helmet on her

No, wait!

[Coughing] Are you crazy? You could have died.

The robot has analysed the atmosphere, I am fine.

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Octus emerges from the ship

My name is Octus and yes the atmosphere is practically identical to our own planet.

Great, but still the king left me responsible with your safety.

And where do you think your going?

To find a way home.

Wait, we can't go back.

Your father sent use here for a reason.

What? To sit by a let our people, my father fall at the feet of the Mutraddi.

To hide you on this planet to keep you safe. To secure the future of Galaluna

Don't even pretend you care about the fate of Galaluna for one second.

I know about you and your past corporal.

Why my father entrusted this mission to you...

This planet is called Earth, in case you were wondering

How far is that from Galaluna?

The Rift Gate makes an exact calculation impossible to determine, but...

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Noise in the distance


Get her out of here, now!

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Octus grabs Ilana and rushes away


What kind of robot are you?

Let me out of here

But your safety will be compromised.

Now Octus!

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Octus releases Ilana and Ilana transforms into Corus (her armor)

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Ilana begins fighting the attackers

They're humanoid.

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Dashes away to find Lance


What are you doing?

You have to stop they're not Mutraddi, they're humanoid!

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Lance picks up a soldier and removes the upper part of his armor to see his face

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Army Soldier

Aah! Aaah!

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Lance throws smoke and the trio leave the scene

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Julius Steel's men (the army) are at the crash site as Julius Steel arrives

Status report soldier.

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Army Soldier

Sir, we tracked the object to this location. Upon arriving, we came under heavy fire.

Well I'll say, tanks ripped apart, canons melted.

What was it?

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Army Soldier

Sir, it was unlike anything we had encountered before.

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Army Soldier

They were like giant metal men.

Well were are they now?

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Army Soldier

We lost them, sir.

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Solomon quietly appears behind Julius Steel

What do you think you're doing General?


First confirmed extraterrestrial contact, and you miss it.

Pull your men back general.

Galactic guardian group.

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Solomon's men start to move in and investigate the crash site.
His ship picks-up the crashed space ship.

You guys are a joke.

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Solomon jumps onto his ship

They're still out there you know!

That's no longer your concern.

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Scene changes to Lance, Ilana & Octus hidding in a cave

From now on if I tell you to go, you need to go.

What if something had happen to you back their?

Maybe if you had not attack them they wouldn't have retaliated.

Look, don't you get why were here?

Galaluna is lost, everything we know is being whipped away by the Mutraddi.

For all we know, everyone could be dead.

I... I mean, I'm sure the king is...

Princess, we must keep you safe.

If Galaluna has fallen, then the people will need you if they are to reclaim their world.

Perhaps our time would be better spent if we concentrated on the purpose of our mission

assimilating with the earthlings.

This cave seems large enough for us to construct a base of operations.

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Lance and Octus begin examing the cave and Ilana makes her way to the exit in order to view the city below

So, this is to be our new home.

If we are going to blend in with these earthlings, we'll need to know more about them.

Perhaps we should go down there.




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Well, that didn't work out so well.

Clearly we need to know more about these earthlings before venturing out amongst them.


I have found their people use a complex network of data to access information about each other.

What does it say?

Does it have anything about people are age?

People your age attend high schools,

I have attained visuals.

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Octus projects his findings on the wall

Tonight on an all-new episode of "high school heights",

todd's got the hots for janet,

but she's already zooming joey,

todd's got the hots for janet,

while Andy has a secret only one girl knows.

I don't know how to read!

That's coming up tonight on the W.C.

What a perfect hiding place.

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The scene changes to The King chained-up, behind him sits Galaluna burning

Mutraddi scum, you'll pay for this, I swear it.

I doubt that very much, your majesty.


Surpsied? Bet you never thought you see me again [mhmhhmh]

You, your behind this attack?

Of course, you didn't really think these mindless beasts

had the skill to overthrown this planet.

But you... you died

I was there! I saw it happen!

Well not quite dead.

I won't bore you with details.

Lets just say that after you left, me behind.

Left you! I...

LEFT, me, behind.

I was forced to find a way to reason with the beasts of Mutraad.

To stay alive amongst them.

You died, the Mutraddi blast killed you, we barely escaped.

You can't be Modula!

I assure you, I am.

The real Modula would never turn traitor to his own kind.

Amazing how things change like that.

Once I was your General, now I command the whole of the Mutraddi.

Your delusional!

Maybe... But! I rule rule Galaluna now.

Heart, body and mind unite as one.

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[Low chuckle laugh]

Ohh Pathetic.

Tell me, where's your daughter.

I don't know.

Oh come now, you can't expect me to believe that.

After all I can't have heirs to the throne lurking about,

in sighting revolt and what have you.

Tell me.

No father, I won't go.

So... you finally perfected the rift gate technology.

My pet, I call on you.

Seek and destroy our enemy.

Awake and fullfill our destiny.

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Scene changes to Sherman High as Lance, Ilana & Octus try to blend into the Earthlings school. Students are laughing around them

Couldn't you have picked something less conspicuous.

Octus said Earthlings take a lot of pride in their apperance.

This is very, pop.

I believe the term is hip.

[Sigh] Octus?

I have used my holo-matrix to project my human disguise,



He was one of this planets finest minds.

And... what's wrong with your voice?

What's wrong with my voice?

Well... It's...

I kinda like, besides he fits in more than you do.

Hey! Octus, sorry Newton

said that fashion is a key to defining the Earthlings social class.

Sounds like the barbaric tribes of our ancestors.

Precisely, take that sect over there.

They are known as the sportos, helmet heads or jocks.

It is slang derived from male apparatus support.

That is a member of the nerd, dork or geek sect.

Ironically they are the most intelligent but are the weakest physically.

Ahh! A school spirit leader or cheerleader.

They seem to control the schools social hierarchy.

Be warned, they are the most dangerous people here.

There are numerous other sects.

Each can be divided into a variety of sub classifications.


We should really should find a way to unite these people as one.

That is highly improbable.

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[School bell rings]

I have taken the liberty of enrolling us in their computer system.

You are, uh, siblings, Lance and Ilana Lunas.



The second bell signifies the start of class, try not to be late

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Scenes changes with Lance infront of his new class

Class, we have a new student joining us today, Lance Lunas.

Care to tell the class a little bit about yourself?


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Scene changes to Newton in front of the class

Okay Newton, you can take a seat at the back over there.

The answer to your equation is y = 3 - x

What? impossible.

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Scene changes to Ilana in front of the class

The heart, body and mind. Join as one, salutation friends!

I am honoured to be here in this fine institution where I know our friendship will blossom

and the bonds of social segregation will give way to unite use as one.

[Student coughs] Doofus!

[Class begins to laugh at Ilana]

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Scene changes back to Newton's class with some students talking

Dude, that new kid, such a doofus.

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Scene changes to Julius Steel inside of a tank

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The rift gate opens and a fire ball exists

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Army Soldier

Sir, I have an unidentified boggy entering Earth's atmosphere.

More Aliens.

Plot course for interception,

mobilize the infantry,

lets get them before them G3 boys.

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G3 Soldier

Sir, an unidentified object has as just entered Earth's atmosphere.

Assemble Team Delta.


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Boys begin to laugh


Oh, uhh, hi Newton.

How was your day?

Apparently to the Earthlings I am a... Doofus?

So am I.

So it is a good thing?

I don't think so.

What is that?

Sloopy joes.

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[Chatter of the cafeteria]

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Lance looks for a table to sit at


Well hopefully Lance is having a better day.

I don't think so.

Huh? Why? [gasps] Oh no.

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Football Jock's approach Lance sitting at their table

This table is reserved.

I said this table is reserved.

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Football Jock smashs the table and Lance jumps into the air to avoid him
Lance proceeds to beat the Football Jocks.

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[Students cheer Lance's victory]

Weren't we supposed to keep a low profile?

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[Air whooshes]

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The fire ball flys over Sherman

Oh, no.

They followed us here?

I'm afraid so.

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Scene changes to lots of fire fighters attempting to put out the fire in the forest while Brick Jackson is reporting.

This is Brick Jackson reporting live.

Only moments ago an apparent meteor slammed down here on the outskirts of this quiet suburban town.

Joining me now is fire chief Tom O'Malley.

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Another gaint fire explosion happens and a Mutraddi Mega Beast emerges

What the heck is that!

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[Mutraddi Mega Beast roars]

What the?

I can't believe what I'm seeing.

Whatever it is, it is huge, and it's heading for the city.

Mutraddi Mega Beast.

We have to do something.

We can't.

We're in hiding, remember? We can't...

[Student screams] Look at that!

[Students begin to gasp]

I know what my father ordered you to do.

But that thing is here because of me.

These people are going to suffer because of me.

I understand, but we have to remain hidden.

If we attack, the Mutraddi will know we're here.

They'll send more beasts, more soldiers.

They won't stop.

I am afraid I must concur with lance.

The risk is too great.

We should let the Earth defend itself.

I'm sorry.

I can't let this happen.

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Ilana runs off and transforms into Corus


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[Students screaming to escape]


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Army Soldier

No effect, repeat missiles seem to have no effect.

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Ilana begins fighhting the Mutraddi Mega Beast

My pet, seek and destroy our enemy.

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Ilana gets hit and burred under debris until Octus finds her. Lance is fighting the Mutraddi Mega Beast.



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Army Soldier

General, we're tracking two more bogeys in the fray.


All units, fire at will.

Blow them all to kingdom come!

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[Mass barrage of military tank fire]


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Lanc get's hit and runs to Ilana to help free her


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[Mutraddi Mega Beast roars]

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Mutraddi Mega Beasts fires a beam of fire at the trio

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[Ilana screams]

Sym-Bionic defence mode initiated.

Octus unit magnified.

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Octus, Ilana & Lance merge into Sym-Bionic Titan

[Struggling to speak] What's... happening...

Did we get it?

What in tar nation is that?

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Titan stands tall in the middle of Sherman

Is everyone aright?

Yah, I feel weird but aright and kinda of stronger.

Me to, I feel sort of disembodied.

What happened?

I am not exactly sure.

So much of my programming is new.

Apparently I banded subconsciously with the both of you.


Is that possible?

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[Lance screams]

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Lance moves Titan and begins to fight the Mutraddi Mega Beast

Lance, did you do that?

I think so, I know I wanted to.


Your thoughts caused the sym-bionic body to respond, it is most...

Look out!

Okay, I see how it works!

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[Students begin to cheer Sym-Bionic Titan]

How are we controlling this?

Some how are conciousness has sym-bionically interfaced

much the same way our mechanical units have been unified to form this single entity

and our very thoughts caused this sym-bionic body to respond.

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[Mutraddi Mega Beasts roars]

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Mutraddi Mega Beasts grabs hold of Titan

[Struggling to speak] We can't take much more of this!

[Struggling to speak] What do we do?

The water!

The water!

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Titan jumps into the water

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Scene changes to G3 and Solomon. Their ship is racing toward Titan

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G3 Soldier

Wave motion cannon is at 80% sir.

Prepare to fire.

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Scene changes to Titan trying to find the Mutraddi Mega Beast

Did we get him?

Is it over?

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Suddently the Mutraddi Mega Beast appears from the water and grabs Titan, same time Solomon is about the fire the wave canon.

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G3 Soldier

Wave motion canon charged.


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Mutraddi Mega Beast backs off

I need a weapon.

Lance, focus.

I will interface with the replication system to see if I we can fabricate one.

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A sword appears

It's working!

This is incredible.

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Titan slashes the Mutraddi Mega Beats into pieces.

Return to base.

We did it.

Were did that energy beam come from?

Unknown, it may be masking it's presence.

Earth forces are preparing to fire upon use.




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[Mass barrage of military tank fire]

We just save!

Let's move.

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Titan dives under water and swims away, Titan emerages a while later in a swamp

Octus, why didn't you tell use you had these abilities?

They are unknown to me, as well.

When extreme danger was sensed, a part of my programming unlocked and initiated the symbiosis.

Heart, body, and mind unite as one.

I wonder what else we can do.

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Episode ends with Titan standing tall, light shining behind it
Sym-Bionic Titan Logo appears
Fade to black
